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"An ongoing problem that has plagued our nation is the obesity epidemic. In the 70's, the US had an obesity prevalence of 5%, and now it is close to 30%. But what is obesity, and what can you do about it? How do overwhelmed parents make better choices for their children, and what are some of the consequences when they don't?
Dr. New Sang went onto the Great Day show to talk about obesity and try to motivate parents to make better choices for their children. Nothing is more stressful than being a parent, but when you own your responsibility, your family will benefit. Watch, learn, and enjoy!"
"Concussions continue to afflict children, and Dr. New Sang went onto the Great Day Program to talk about what you can do when a concussion happens to your child."
"Have you ever wondered why your baby has a head that isn't completely round? Dr. New Sang went onto Fox 26's Great Day program to talk about plagiocephaly and brachycephaly, and how these conditions are easily treated. Check it out!"
"Do you anyone who has had or been affected by a seizure? Do you have questions about what a seizure is, how it is different from epilepsy, and what to do if your child has a seizure? Dr. New Sang went onto Fox 26's Great Day program to guide parents on what causes a seizure, and what to do if your child has a seizure. Check it out!"
"Dr. New Sang was able to go onto Fox26's Great Day program to talk about eczema, a very common and irritating rash that is seen every day in our clinics, but not always talked about in the media. Watch, learn, and enjoy!"
"The newborn period is a very emotional time for families, and celebrations can sometimes be interrupted by a condition called jaundice. Although most cases of newborn jaundice are benign and will go away by itself, some cases can be severe and cause irreversible brain damage. Dr. New Sang went on Fox26's Great Day program to talk about neonatal jaundice, and guide parents in order to know what to look out for, why we treat jaundice, and know how to keep you child safe. Enjoy!"
"This time, Dr. New Sang wanted to discuss the "Tripledemic," on Fox 26's Great Day program. He brought along some stats we've accumulated during the past few months to show the viewers how bad RSV and flu have gotten in just two months and how COVID is starting to make a comeback. He also wanted to tell the viewers why they feel their kid is always sick and know when to ask for a blood test to ensure their immune system is working properly. Watch, learn, and enjoy!"
"When is a headache just a headache? If a baby hits their head, is it dangerous? When should you be concerned and go to the ER? Are migraines in children common? Dr. New Sang addresses these questions and more during a spot on Fox 26's Great Day show. Watch, learn, and enjoy!"
The flu afflicts millions of people a year, and an average of 20,000 children are hospitalized each year in the United States because of the virus. Dr. New Sang went onto Fox 26's Great Day program to discuss the flu, its variations, and whether you should get your flu shot to protect yourself and your family. Enjoy!
"There's a new way to prevent RSV for newborns up to 8 months old, and Dr. New Sang went onto Fox 26's Great Day program to discuss it. RSV hospitalizes tens of thousands of small babies every year, and can be deadly for premature babies and newborns, as it causes thick mucus that sticks to the lungs and is hard to suck out. The new RSV immunization is sure to prevent many hospitalizations and deaths this year."
"When is a fever dangerous? What do you do if a child has a fever and you don't have any medication? What really is a fever, and what causes it? Should I be worried? Dr. New Sang went onto the Great Day program on Fox26 and answered these questions and more. Check it out!"
There are two types of diabetes, one is preventable, and one is not. Dr. New Sang went onto Fox 26's Great Day program to talk about what to do as parents to prevent your children from getting too much sugar into their blood. Watch, learn, and enjoy!
"1 in 44 children, or 2.2% of the United States, are diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Dr. New Sang went onto the Great Day program on Fox 26 to talk about autism, what it is, what we know about it, and what to do if your child is diagnosed. We hope everyone learns about this disorder, and goes to their doctor to discuss how to get diagnosed and how to handle the diagnosis if it happens to you. Enjoy!""
We all know we need to sleep well, but how much do we really need, and do kids really need more? Dr. New Sang went onto Fox 26's Great Day program to discuss sleep, sleep hygiene, and the reasons why kids sometimes need to sleep in on weekends. Watch, learn, and enjoy!
"Sang Pediatrics is sponsoring a diaper drive, to get diapers to needy families. It takes on average $840/year to supply diapers for a child, and we want to help every chance we get. So Dr. New Sang went on TV to talk about toilet training, and how to get children off of diapers, so that people can understand when to start and techniques they can try. It's all about keeping a positive mindset, and allowing children to learn how to fail in order to succeed. Enjoy!"
"Have you noticed that children suffered during the pandemic? Have you thought about why kids had it worse than adults? Dr. New Sang went onto Fox 26's Great Day program, and talked about how the pandemic impacted children's mental health and what to do about it."
"Letting go of resentment isn't just about finding peace---it's about creating a healthier environment for your children. Studies show that when parents release resentment and foster emotional well-being, their children benefit from lower stress levels, better mental health, and even stronger immune systems. Watch Dr. New Sang's segment from Fox 26's Great Day Program to learn how to break the cycle and build a foundation for your family's health."
On Fox 26's Great Day morning program, Dr. New Sang was able to educate the viewers about Adverse Childhood Events, and describe how identification of risk factors for depression and early intervention can help save lives.
On Fox 26's Great Day morning program, Dr. New Sang discussed the effects of the pandemic on children's mental health, and what parents can do to help their kids.
"Have you ever feared that doctors are overmedicating and overdiagnosing children with ADHD? Do people try to scare you into believing that pediatricians are going to turn your child into a zombie? Dr. New Sang went onto Fox 26's Great Day program to try to dispel some myths about childhood ADHD, and update parents on the side effects of the medications used to help children focus."
On Fox 26's Great Day morning program, Dr. New Sang went over how much milk to feed to a toddler, and how too much milk can lead to iron deficiency anemia.
Have you ever wondered whether your child has a food allergy? What can you do to know for sure, or how to prevent it from happening? Dr. New Sang went onto Fox 26's Great Day program to talk about which foods cause the greatest amount of allergies in kids, and what to do if you suspect it. Watch, learn, and enjoy!
"It's hot outside, and people are breaking out the insect repellent. But is it safe? What's up with DEET anyway? I went onto Fox 26's Great Day program in order to answer some questions, and quell some fears. Watch, learn, and enjoy!"
Dr. New Sang was able to go on Fox 26's Great Day program and talk about the benefits of sunscreen. He goes over which ones to buy, and which ones to avoid. Check it out!
"Did you ever wonder what exactly does the term, "Heat Stroke," mean? Dr. New Sang was able to go onto Fox 26's Great Day program and talk about the differences between heat stroke and heat exhaustion, and how knowing what to look for can save a life. Enjoy, and hydrate well!"
Screen time can be harmful to children, in more ways than one, but can screen time also be beneficial? Isn't FaceTime with Grandma a good thing? Dr. New Sang went onto Fox 26's Great Day program to sort out the messages and give families some guidance about what to do with all of the screen time we consume every day. Enjoy!
Did you know that in California, only 23% of the population is circumcised, but in Hawaii, 77% of newborn boys are circumcised? Have you ever wondered how we do circumcisions? Is it really that much cleaner if you're circumcised, and what exactly are the complications of circumcision? Dr. New Sang went onto Fox 26's Great Day program to address these questions and more, as circumcisions are one of the most commonly performed procedures at Sang Pediatrics, but it's never really talked about. Watch, learn, and enjoy!
The new COVID-19 shot is rolling out, and a lot of patients have questions about that and the variants that keep popping up. Dr. New Sang went onto Fox 26's Great Day show to talk about the shot and who should get it and when. Enjoy!
We are a pediatric primary care provider for the Fresno and Clovis area. We provide multiple pediatric services for your child's healthcare. We are also available for walk-ins during our regular business hours at any of our locations.
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